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$500 fine, Calgary Skyview MP admits mistake in election brochure theft

The lone Liberal MP for Calgary, has been slapped with a $500 administrative fine for a incident from the end days of the 44th General Election.

George Chahal, the Liberal MP, said that he has paid a find for removing a flyer from a front door of a house in Calgary on September 19th, "I have accepted and paid a $500 administrative penalty, as assessed by Elections Canada, for removing a flyer from a front door on September 19, 2021."

The former Calgary city councillor was elected on September 20th, 2021 defeated incumbent Conservative MP Jag Sahota. Since then he has kept a relatively low profile.

Days after the election, Calgary Police launched a investigation into the now MP after security camera footage showed him removing a brochure for his Conservative challenger.

Chahal's campaign had said at the time, that the conservative flyer identified an incorrect polling location for the person residing at the address in question.

In a statement posted to social media, Chahal said that he was committed to putting the interest of Calgary-Skyview first, "As the elected Member of Parliament for Calgary Skyview, I am committed to putting the interests of my constituents first, through all my activities and interactions."

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