"More Cooperation Is Required": ABmunis to Provincial Government
"(We) invite the Premier to sit with our board," Cathy Heron President of Alberta Municipalities said in a press conference Thursday afternoon.
In Spruce Grove, Heron reiterated the importance of effective communication and cooperation between municipal governments and the Alberta Provincial government for the successful implementation of major projects benefiting multiple jurisdictions.
Heron said that Municipalities are working together like never before, and it's time for the province to come to the table and start working collaboratively, "Municipalities are increasingly working together to deliver significant projects that transcend municipal boundaries."
Heron said that there are some key things Alberta Municipalities members want regarding inter-municipal collaboration, "Improve communication is needed. More cooperation is required, greater collective effort helps, and a willingness to compromise goes a long way."
The Alberta Municipalities President extended an invitation to the provincial government, urging them to engage as full partners in collaborative efforts aimed at resolving the pressing issues faced by Alberta communities. Heron specifically highlighted the need to address infrastructure funding, community safety, and the plight of disadvantaged and marginalized individuals.
Heron said that she knows the work will start with talking to Ric McIver, Alberta's Minister of Municipal Affairs, " (Alberta Municipalities) would like our communication, obviously, to be with Minister McIver." Heron jokingly stated, "He is the Minister of all things, in my opinion, because he will have to deal with issues not just of infrastructure, but with transportation with health with policing."
But the communications can't just be with the Ministers, Heron added "We also want to have a very good relationship with the Premier herself."
It comes down to respect, Heron stated.
The 'roadshow' tour, which included stops in Diamond Valley, Delbert, Wembley, St. Paul, and Spruce Grove, provided a platform for local leaders to voice their concerns and aspirations for stronger intergovernmental collaboration.
The call for improved communication between municipalities and the provincial government comes as communities across Alberta face challenges that require joint action and shared responsibility. Heron said by fostering an environment of open dialogue and cooperation, the two levels of government can work together to find solutions that benefit all Albertans.
It is now up to the provincial government to respond to this call for greater collaboration, emphasizing their commitment to fostering strong partnerships with municipalities and creating a more prosperous and resilient Alberta.
In the coming weeks, it is expected that further discussions will take place between Alberta Municipalities and the provincial government, marking a crucial step toward improved intergovernmental communication and cooperation.
We reached out to Minister McIver's office earlier in June after he was sworn in as Minister of Municipal Affairs for a sit down interview on the relationship he hopes to foster with Municipal leaders from across Alberta. At the time Minister McIver's office informed us they were waiting for mandate letters before agreeing to a interview.
We look forward to chatting with the Hon. Ric McIver for a special episode of the Cross Border Interviews.