"Q" is for Quasi-judicial Tribunal

Municipal governments are comprised of local elected officials and encompass a range of administrative bodies, including cities, towns, villages, and municipal districts.
This is the Political Trenches: Local Government at Work, the show dedicated to talking about the most pressing issues confronting municipal governments throughout Canada.
I along with Ian McCormack, will provide insights and perspectives on the challenges and opportunities that confront local governments as they strive to serve their communities.
We are continuing our journey through the Municipal Alphabet, and today we bring you the letter ‘Q” is for Quasi-Judicial Tribunal
Later in the episode, Ian and I will be joined by a chair of a Quasi-Judicial Tribunal in the Province of Alberta.
But first, we will discuss the City of Regina where one councillor was heckled by residents and some members of the council for suggesting removing a toddler from the council meeting, Then we will chat about a councillor in Cochrane, Alberta requesting a publicly recorded statement from each member of council on whether they have confidence in their city’s CAO, Then we head to Sault St. Marie to discuss one councillor continuously talking about an already-decided issue.
Stories We Talked About This Episode:
Regina city councillor heckled after suggesting removing a toddler from meeting https://regina.ctvnews.ca/regina-city-councillor-heckled-after-suggesting-removing-a-toddler-from-the-meeting-1.6562310
Fedeyko wants public vote on confidence in leadership
Bellyaching councillor gets backside blistered
https://www.sootoday.com/local-news/bellyaching-councillor-gets-backside-blistered-7571153 *************************************************** Learn More About The Land and Property Rights Tribunal: Website: https://www.alberta.ca/land-and-property-rights-tribunal-overview
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The Political Trenches was Produced and Edited by Miranda, Brown & Associates Inc
© 2023