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Episode 426: Calgary Taxpayers Association

Founded in 2022 by Calgary entrepreneurs Dave Rutherford and Nathan Mizera, the Calgary Taxpayers Association (CTA) aims to speak up for everyday taxpayers fed up with government waste, increasing taxes, and a lack of transparency and accountability at city hall.

Calgarians have seen their taxes and service fees increase year over year, with no real regard for the economic realities facing families and businesses. In fact, in the last ten years, Calgary’s taxes have nearly doubled - increasing at a far faster rate than any other major city in Canada.

The truth is we have a city council that is often more focused on their own narrow personal political agendas, instead of what really matters - you and your family.

Enough is enough. We need to get back to basics.

It’s time to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions and demand meaningful results for Calgarians.


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The Cross Border Interview Podcast was Produced and Edited by Miranda, Brown & Associates Inc

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