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FORE! Province to Pilot Golf Carts on Municipal Roads

Welcome to Municipal Affairs.

Today’s episode shines a spotlight on a key aspect of daily life in our province: transportation.

Alberta's municipalities are as diverse as its landscapes, and the transportation needs of each community reflect that variety.

Whether it's the urban bustle of cities like Edmonton and Calgary or the rural tranquillity of smaller towns, villages, or summer villages, local governments are constantly seeking innovative ways to reduce congestion, improve mobility, and enhance the quality of life for their residents.

In 2023, Alberta Municipalities at their annual convention passed a motion to lobby the provincial government to work with municipalities to allow golf carts on municipal roads.

In response, on October 23rd, 2024 Alberta’s government announced that it would work hand-in-hand with municipalities to offer more flexible transportation options, tailoring solutions that fit local needs and preferences.

The Province has announced that the Town of Coaldale, along with six other communities would allow the use of golf carts on municipal roads. This initiative not only improves mobility but also opens new recreational opportunities, allowing communities to explore fresh ways of getting around while easing the burden on traditional road traffic. The six other communities that are participating in the pilot project are the County of Lacombe, the Village of Linden, the Summer Village of Whispering Hills, the Town of Delburne, the Village of Acme and the Summer Village of Half Moon Bay.

Today, we sit down with Coaldale’s mayor, Jack Van Rijn, to hear firsthand how this pilot project will unfold in his community. What motivated Coaldale to embrace this idea? and what impact he believes that the program will have on transportation in the southern community.

We also spoke with Mike Pashak, President of the Association of Summer Villages of Alberta, who we spoke to after the Alberta Municipalities passed the motion to lobby the province to allow the use of golf carts on municipal roads. We chatted with him about the announcement and what it means for Summer Villages across Alberta.



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