"H" is for Housing

Municipal governments are comprised of local elected officials and encompass a range of administrative bodies, including cities, towns, villages, and municipal districts.
Join us in the Political Trenches: Local Government at Work as we examine the most pressing issues confronting municipal governments throughout Canada. I am your host, Christopher Brown, and I am joined by Ian McCormack, President of Strategic Step Inc., serving as my co-host for today's show.
Together, we will provide insights and perspectives on the challenges and opportunities that confront local governments as they strive to serve their communities.
Today's episode is “H is for Housing”, a fundamental aspect of our lives that often goes unnoticed. Today, we have two special guests with us, Nancy Simmonds, the CEO of the Heartland Housing Foundation, and Lauren Ingalls, the CAO for Westwinds Communities.
But before we get to the interview, we discuss Ian’s tour through BC speaking with Municipal leaders, a story about a council Code of Conduct and Canada Day, and we pick up on a story from earlier this year where a councillor in Ontario believes councillors should show up to work.
Stories We Talked About This Episode:
Mayor Breached Code of Conduct Over Canada Day 2022
Sudbury Councillor Wants Councillors To Show Up:
Heartland Housing Foundation:
Website: https://www.heartlandhousing.ca/
Westwind Communities:
Website: https://www.westwindscommunities.ca/
Abuse Against Elected Officials: Bucking The Trend
Website: BuckingtheTrend.ca
Buy Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bucking-the-trend-tackling-abuse-in-the-political-realm-tickets-476489211057?aff=Website
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The Political Trenches was Produced and Edited by Miranda, Brown & Associates Inc
© 2023