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"I pray for your success," Hanwell Councillor Pat Septon Resigns

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I resigned from Hanwell Council, the agenda is now public. As of now, it turns out 3 seats in Hanwell will be open in the By-Election in Oct. It looks like Councillor Dr. Peck has resigned as well, that is truly a loss. I thank all who supported what I was trying to do. Thank you <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Pat Septon (@Septon) <a href="">September 5, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

The turbulent saga involving Hanwell Rural Community Councillor Pat Septon has taken another unexpected turn, as Septon tendered her immediate resignation from the council Tuesday morning.

This announcement, which comes almost two months after a suspension vote by his fellow council members.

Septon's resignation, as outlined in his formal letter - posted to his Social Media Accounts - stated, "I resign effective immediately. Elections (New Brunwsick) knows of my pending resignation. It is someone else's turn to defend Hanwell, and I hope they have better success than the last Council and me to date."

The recent suspension of Councillor Septon, a 90-day measure imposed following allegations of spreading falsehoods about colleagues and contributing to a toxic work environment, had raised questions about the council's ability to function effectively. The suspension, which had been voted for 4-2 by council members, was initially intended to last until October 2023.

In a revealing twist, Septon's resignation letter also pointed to deeper issues within the council. He wrote, "I have found that the actions of the CAO, and in turn Council's blind eye to infractions are too much. Some of the lists of things recorded are those charges against me."

Mayor Morrison, in an interview with Cross Border Interviews in July, shed light on the events leading to Septon's suspension and subsequent resignation. He stated that the decision to suspend Septon came after months of escalating conflicts between some council members and Councillor Septon. The suspension was seen as an attempt to restore harmony and functionality to the council.

With Councillor Septon's resignation, Hanwell now faces the challenge of filling three open council seats. Ward 5's Debbie Peck resigned in August, and Ward 4 has remained vacant for approximately a year. A by-election will be necessary to determine who will take up the mantle of leadership in these key positions.


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