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SPECIAL: The Morning After

Welcome to Cross Border Interviews, the show that brings you the most insightful conversations with influential leaders from across the country.

I'm your host, and today we delve into the aftermath of the 2023 Alberta Provincial Election. It was a closely watched contest that stirred up a whirlwind of reactions from municipal leaders throughout the province.

On Monday night, the United Conservative Party, led by Danielle Smith, emerged victorious, securing a majority government. Their success came as they made significant gains in rural Alberta, while experiencing some losses in the province's two largest cities, Edmonton and Calgary. This electoral pattern signals a unique dynamic that we'll be exploring further.

Meanwhile, the Alberta New Democratic Party, led by Rachel Notley, made significant gains of their own. They picked up seats in Edmonton, Sherwood Park, Banff, and even managed to turn battleground Calgary in their favor. The NDP's resurgence in urban areas presents an interesting contrast to the UCP's rural dominance.

Throughout the Alberta Election, Alberta Municipalities raised their voices and highlighted their key priorities. Community infrastructure, community safety, and community healthcare emerged as the three main concerns for local leaders. They recognize the crucial role that these aspects play in fostering prosperous and secure communities.

Notably, rural Alberta municipalities came together and expressed their specific concerns and desires through the "Uniquely Rural" platform. These unique perspectives shed light on the challenges and aspirations of those living outside the urban centers, reminding us of the diverse needs of the province as a whole.

Today, we are honored to have two prominent figures joining us for one-on-one interviews. Cathy Heron, the President of Alberta Municipalities, will provide insights into the more urban municipal perspective, while Paul McLauchlin, the President of the Rural Municipalities of Alberta, will shed light on the perspective of rural communities in the aftermath of the province’s election.

In addition to our esteemed guests, we will also explore the social media reactions from municipal leaders that poured in Tuesday morning. Social media platforms have become essential channels for political discourse and provide a glimpse into the immediate reactions of local leaders following the election results.


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Cross Border Interviews with Chris Brown was Produced and Edited by Miranda, Brown & Associates Inc.

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