Local Matters: ABNDP Leadership Candidate Gil McGowan
Welcome to Municipal Affairs, I'm your host Christopher Brown.
While we typically focus on local governance issues, we recognize the importance of the broader political landscape on municipal affairs.
That's why here on the Municipal Affairs we decided to sit down with federal, provincial, and territorial leaders to delve into their perspectives on municipal governance, and how their levels of government are addressing municipal concerns.
Todays Guest is Gil McGowan, the current president of the Alberta Federation of Labour and currently running to be the next leader of the Alberta NDP.
In our one-on-one interview, we will discuss his leadership aspirations, his vision for Alberta's future, and perhaps most importantly for our audience, his vision for municipalities across the province, both urban and rural.
This is Municipal Affairs.
Learn More About Gil McGowan:
Website: https://gilforalberta.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gilforalberta
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gilmcgowanofficial
Become A Member: https://gilforalberta.ca/get-involved/become-a-member/
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