SPECIAL: Alberta Municipal Affairs: McIver Vs. Hoffman and Kasawski

Welcome to a special episode of the Cross Border Interviews, where we dive deep into the ever-changing municipal landscape in Canada.
Today, we have a topic that has some questioning the state of municipal affairs in province of Alberta. It's all about the recent political appointments and shuffles in the realm of municipal affairs. Buckle up, folks, because we're about to take you on a ride!
Now, for those of you who have been keeping up with the the aftermath of the 2023 Provincial Election you know that the United Conservative Party (UCP) has reappointed the Hon. Ric McIver as the Minister of Municipal Affairs, after being shuffled out of cabinet when Premier Smith was sworn in. He was replaced by Rebecca Schulz who has now become Minister of Environment.
Meanwhile, the Alberta NDP in the last week appointed not one but two critics for municipal affairs. Former Minister of Health, Sarah Hoffman, was appointed as the Municipal Affairs Critic for Edmonton and Calgary, while Alberta NDP Sherwood Park MLA Kyle Kasawski (KA-SAW-SKI) was appointed as the Municipal Affairs Critic for Mid-Size Cities and Rural Alberta.
So, what does all this mean for the pressing issues facing municipalities in Alberta? How will Hoffman and Kasawski ensure that the voices and concerns of their respective critic portfolios are heard? And perhaps most intriguingly, can Minister McIver live up to the expectations of Alberta municipalities and the Rural Municipalities of Alberta, who had their hopes pinned on the continuation of Rebecca Schulz's tenure in the portfolio?
To help us untangle the complexities of this political jigsaw puzzle, we have invited our esteemed political pundit, Jennifer Burgess.
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Cross Border Interviews with Chris Brown was Produced and Edited by Miranda, Brown & Associates Inc.
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