SPECIAL: Government of Proximity

Welcome to another special episode of the Cross Border Interviews.
At the recent Annual General Meeting held by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Scott Pearce - the Mayor of the Township of Gore - was elected as the new President of the organization.
With a focus on addressing the needs of municipalities and fostering collaboration, Pearce aims to lead the FCM towards a prosperous and inclusive future.
We had the pleasure to sit down for a one-on-one interview with Pearce to discuss his intention to work closely with both federal and provincial governments in order to develop a new fiscal framework for municipalities.
During our interview, Pearce will discuss how he sees his role as a Mayor of township in Quebec as bridging the gap for advocacy for both small communities and larger urban centres.
We will also discuss the three issues that took centre stage at the FCM AGM: the urgent need to establish an intergovernmental platform on mental health, the crisis of homelessness requiring immediate action, and the development of a new growth framework for municipalities.
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Cross Border Interviews with Chris Brown was Produced and Edited by Miranda, Brown & Associates Inc.
© 2023