"We Are Being Listened Too", MNL talks Provincial Budget

Welcome to Municipal Affairs, I am Your Host Christopher Brown.
On March 21st 2024, Premier Andrew Furey and the Governing Newfoundland and Labrador Liberal Party tabled Newfoundland and Labrador’s 2024-2025 Provincial Budget.
Now according to the province - “As a government, we are transforming the province’s finances as we work towards a stronger, smarter, self-sufficient, sustainable province”
The Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance who tabled the budget said that this budget will - “help residents and businesses with affordability measures” The minister went on to say that the budget is making record investments in health care, seniors, housing, poverty reduction, and infrastructure.”
We caught up with Amy Caody, the President of the Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador, for her reaction to the provincial budget.
President Coady’s perspective promises to shed light on the implications of this provincial budget, and how it impacts Municipalities in the Province.
This is Municipal Affairs.
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